Specialized Computer Solutions
Computer, Network and Security at its very best.
Service Description
Our specialty in computer networking in sharing resources such as data, files, multimedia, and hardware resources like printers, fax machines, and scanners enhances business productivity to meet the set goals. Shared network resources refer to computer data, information, or hardware devices that can be easily accessed from a remote computer through a local area network (LAN) or enterprise intranet. Successfully shared resource access allows users to operate as if the shared resource were on their own computer. Sharing network resources requires abiding by certain constraints, as follows: -Security: Organizations present ongoing opportunities for unauthorized shared resources. Security mechanisms should be implemented to provide efficient parameters. -Compatibility: Various client-server operating systems may be installed, but the client must have a compatible OS or application to access shared resources. Otherwise, the client may encounter issues that create communication delays and requires troubleshooting. -Mapping: Any shared OS hardware drive, file, or resource may be accessed via mapping, which requires a shared destination address and naming conventions. -File Transfer Protocol (FTP) and File Sharing: FTP is not affected by shared resources because the Internet is FTP’s backbone. File sharing is a LAN concept. Companies depend on their server infrastructure for most IT functions, including data storage, hosting websites, emails, and applications. While many businesses have shifted to cloud services using servers located in enormous, distant data centers, a significant number of organizations still have in-house servers or use a hybrid environment of in-house and cloud services to host server data requiring management. Managing a server, whether in-house or in the cloud, means staying on top of hardware, software, security, and backups. Monitoring and maintaining servers to operate at peak performance. Server management encompasses the management of hardware, software, security, and backups. The goal of an effective server management strategy is to Minimize—and hopefully eliminate—server slowdowns and downtime. Building a secure server environment ensures that servers continue to operate and meet the needs of an organization as it evolves.
Contact Details
Maplewood, New Jersey, USA